Thembi Maphanga from Mpumalanga, was burnt by her boyfriend. She lost her two-year-old daughter during the incident, but she didn’t allow this to stop her from being positive.
Narrating her story, Thembi said she met her boyfriend in 2005 and she believed he was her soulmate.
However, he changed a few months after they became a couple as he became jealous, possessive and abusive when Thembi didn’t report any of her movements.
Thembi added that he told her that if he couldn’t have her, no one else would. He locked Thembi and their daughter inside the house and poured petrol on them.
Maphanga said she was unconscious for weeks and her daughter passed away after a few days in hospital and this was the hardest time of her life.
Nevertheless, Thembi said she is no longer angry at the world as she used to, when people stared at her. She has forgiven and moved on with life.