
Uber eats drivers have suspended their strike action to give the global giant time to address their concerns.

Some of their demands include :

– They want more money to cover their costs such as airtime, petrol and data.

– Driver partners want Uber to go back to their original fee structure.


– Uber eats drivers say there are too many drivers on the system and the global giant must stop adding new drivers.

Duane Bernard who is representing the striking Uber drivers says they are calling for a minimum delivery fee of R20 for the first 2km of the trip, and then 6km a km thereafter.

Drivers are also asking that Uber limits trips to 100km as many drivers are using scooters.

Bernard told ENCA that more than 5 drivers have died on scooters in the past month.

Drivers are also demanding that they should not be made to enter high rise buildings and hospitals.

The recent strike comes after Uber started charging restaurants a flat fee of R9, instead of 5% per delivery , which they used to charge restaurants towards driver fees per delivery.

Please watch the video above this post for more details. 
