
On Sunday Zama Khumalo was crowned Idols SA Season 16 winner. As a winner she got a recording deal with Kalawa Jazmee Records.

She also won an instant million rand, R150 000 worth of Samsung products. A new Toyota Starlet 1.4, R100 000 worth of Truworths shopping voucher.

She also walked away with instruments worth R80 000 from YAMAHA plus many more. She took some time to talk about her next moves after winning the competition.

Zama said she is going to make music that her peers can relate to and also accommodate the elderly.


She also gave advise to anyone who is about to pursue their dream. She said one must knock on every door and must not take any opportunity for granted.

Zama promised to keep in contact with her supporters, giving them content and working hard.

She revealed that her musical inspiration is songstress Kelly Khumalo who is able to do different genres of music. Zama said she would like to work with Amanda Black.

Zama concluded by saying winning Idols is a dream come true for her as it is her biggest achievement yet. She said she was ready to learn and work with Kalawa Jazmee.
