
South Africa’s top focus recently is on gender-based violence and Dr Malose, an author is one of the people who participated in sharing ideas on the matter.

He said he discovered that violence against women is often perpetrated by men who are close to them.

Malose said his new book warns against stereotyping men, especially young black men who live in township.

Dr Malose set out to understand the factors that facilitated or hindered the search for alternative forms of masculinity.


In the book “In Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township, he tracked a group of young black boys moving to adulthood over a period of 11years, mainly from Alexander township in Johannesburg.

Malose said he discovered that peer pressure is one of the major influence among young boys which contribute to intolerable behaviours. Hence he said they should learn to overcome it in order to be responsible man.

