
Miss SA 2020 Pageant has been gripped with ugly revelations with Black Twitter exposing the insensitivity shown by some of the contestants.

Some of the Miss SA Pageant contestants are being accused of racism, body shaming, cyber
bullying and using derogatory comments. First it was Bianca Schoombee and now two other contestants have landed themselves in hot water.

Tweeps started the #Bianca SchoombeeMustFall after her racist tweets were exposed. Now #ZizileMthembu and #Oneida Cooper MustFall are trending on Twitter. Their past has come back to haunt them.

Twitter Police has blasted Zizile Mthembu for her rude comments and cyber bullying other black people on social media. Tweeps are calling for her downfall as they claim that she does not represent the black community.

As for Oneida Cooper tweeps are calling for her to be disqualified because of her racially motivated tweets and derogatory comments about Black people and the Zulu language.

