
Liberation war veteran and anti Apartheid activist Andrew Mlangeni has passed on at the age of 95. He was admitted at One Military Hospital in Pretoria.

Mlangeni was the last remaining Rivonia trialist which sentenced the likes of Nelson Mandela to life in prison. He was admitted at the hospital after he complained about abdominal pain.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said the passing of Mlangeni signifies the end of generational history. He also said Mlangeni has passed the future of the country entirely on the hands of the current generation.

“Until recently we were able to sit at Baba Mlangeni’s feet and throw on his wealth of wisdom and his unfailing commitment”, the President added.

Ramaphosa went further to say even at his very advanced age he was still committed to a better life for all South Africans. Mlangeni spent over 20 years at Robben Island alongside Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu.

The President concluded by saying his thoughts were with the Mlangeni family at this difficult time.
