
Julius Malema is the leader of a South African political Party known as the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The Party was formed in July 2013 when he left ANC.

Malema is reported to have a poor academic background. He had to repeat both Grade 8 and 9. He did his High school in Seshego, Limpopo and it took him seven years to finish.

Someone from his High School said Malema never obtained more than 60 percent in all the subjects including his mother language. It is also reported that he was ill disciplined.

In 2010, Malema completed a two year Diploma in Youth Development through the University of South Africa (UNISA).

In 2010 he enrolled again at UNISA for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication and African Languages, he graduated in 2016.

In 2017, the EFF leader obtained a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy. Malema revealed that studying towards his Diploma and Degrees was a challenge since he had to balance between education and politics.
