
The President of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema denied ever benefiting from the VBS credit card.

Malema is being implicated with the looting of the Bank’s funds through his family, Mahuna Investments and On Point Investments.

He said his involvement with the bank was telling the government to rescue VBS Bank since it was a Black owned bank.

Asked on why the card was always used in his presence from Eastern Cape, Western Cape to Durban July, Malema said it was because the card was his brother’s card.

Julius Malema added that he travelled with his brothers and cousins at all EFF rallies. He said he doesn’t ask if it was the VBS credit card or what card they use whenever they buy drinks or anything for him or in his presence.

Malema also denied having any dealings with VBS or benefiting from the VBS Bank. He also said he never benefited a single cent from the VBS credit bank card.
