
A few days ago South Africa lost one of its great actors, Patrick Shai. His wife Mmasechaba Shai finally opened up about and she said it was time for him to rest.

She also told people to not judge her family because they too have scars to deal with. Mmasechaba said she is crying for her children because it is going to be hard for them to recover from their father’s passing.

Mmasechaba added that the passing of Shai is so painful and it is so deep for their children and grandchildren.

“He was a father first, he was a husband,  he was a caretaker, he carried us, we were not perfect and he was not perfect,” she said.


She added:” I used to be a victim of this man in our lifetime. I stopped living a life of a victim, i was never intimidated by the beautiful women who became the wives of my husband”.

Mmasechaba went on to say Shai loved so deeply and when they spoke about him being a perpetrator it was all because of hurt.

She also revealed that she packed her bags a lot of times but he always came running, begging her to come back.

